

2023-24年春季毕业典礼定于 5月11日星期六上午10点.m. 在曲区足球场 – rain or shine.

In the event of severe weather, the ceremony will be moved to Pepsi Arena in the 健康健身中心, and degree candidates will receive an email and text alerting them of the location change.

学位候选人有责任通知他们的客人 and providing them with 恶劣天气票 进入百事球馆.  



8:00 am – 4:30 pm   大学书店营业时间

11:00 a.m.     Champagne Brunch -学生中心主餐厅

  • 校友服务处主办. 欢迎所有学位候选人免费参加. 欢迎客人,收费10美元.00 per person. 欲了解更多信息,请联系校友服务217-228-5432,分机. 3450.

2:00 p.m.       Blessing-Rieman护理与健康科学学院

  • 十字路口,150 S. 48th (48th & Maine Sts.), Quincy, IL.
  • 更多信息请访问:http://www.brcn.edu/parents-current-students/commencement-information

5:00 p.m.    学士学位的质量 – St. 弗朗西斯·索拉纳斯教堂,弗朗西斯大厅

  • Degree candidates are to wear gowns (no caps, stoles or hoods) and sit with family. 不需要门票.  All are welcome!



9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.  大学书店营业时间

9:00 a.m.     学位候选人排队参加毕业典礼

  • 曲体育馆-棒球入口(18号) & Sycamore Sts.)
  • 必须穿著完整的学术服装.
  • 助理法警,博士. Scott Luaders和Dr. David Kirchhofer, will assist you with line-up and guide you during the ceremony.
  • (Severe Weather Location:  Three-Court Area, HFC – enter through the west doors.)

10:00 a.m.     Commencement-早上9点开门.m. for guests

  • 曲城体育场足球入口(20号 & Sycamore Sts.)
  • (恶劣天气地点:HFC百事球馆-需购票)
  • (恶劣天气入场/残障人士停车:20日 & Oak Sts.)

The ceremony will be live-streamed on the Quincy University Youtube Channel: 8gmv.yn17car.com/youtube



  • Participation in the Commencement ceremony is dependent upon clearance by the University Registrar following a review of the degree candidate’s academic record.
  • Degree candidates must be within 2 courses of completing their undergraduate baccalaureate degree to participate in the Commencement ceremony.
  • 学位考生必须申请毕业 March 1.
  • 毕业后申请的学位候选人 March 1 逾期将被收取100美元的滞纳金.
  • All tuition, housing, food, fees, interest, library fines, 停车罚单应该由 April 12.
  • Exit Loan Counseling for degree candidates with student loans are to be completed by April 12.
  • Diplomas will be mailed during the summer to each eligible graduate at the address provided on the graduation application. 毕业证书将不会在舞台上分发.
  • 毕业典礼是一个正式的仪式. Any degree candidate impaired by drugs or alcohol will not be permitted to participate and may be removed from the premises.




2020-21学年之前, students who maintained a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.40 based on all Quincy University courses completed for a baccalaureate degree are eligible for graduation with honors as follows:

  • Cum Laude 3.40 to 3.54 GPA -银线
  • 优等生.55 to 3.74 GPA -金线
  • Summa Cum Laude 3.75 to 4.00 GPA - Bonaventure奖章

从2020-21学年开始,累积平均分不低于3分的学生.60 based on all Quincy University courses completed for a baccalaureate degree are eligible for graduation with honors as follows:

  • Cum Laude 3.60 to 3.绩点74 -银线
  • 优等生.75 to 3.89 GPA -金线
  • Summa Cum Laude 3.90 to 4.00 GPA - Bonaventure奖章

These honors distinctions will be noted on the student’s transcript and the diploma. All graduation requirements must be completed prior to Commencement for honors to be announced at Commencement.




Honor cords are worn by those who graduate with University honors, as noted above. Cords are also worn by members of academic honor societies and/or the Honors Program.

所有本科生都穿有QU印章的披肩. Those who have completed their nursing degree through Blessing-Reiman College of Nursing and Health Sciences will wear a stole with both the QU and BRCN seals. Undergraduates affiliated with a Greek organization that meets academic standards for membership may wear a stole representing a fraternity or sorority.

The stoles and cords noted here are approved by the University and are the only ones allowed to be worn at Commencement.



The Quincy University 总统荣誉学院 promotes academic excellence through sustained critical thinking, 原始研究, 特殊的写作, 以及学术成果的公开展示. Those students who have completed the 总统荣誉学院 will be announced at Commencement. Completion of the program will be noted on the student’s transcript.




All degree candidates receiving an undergraduate degree must have all Service Learning hours completed by Friday, May 3. For questions contact Sara Phillips, Experiential Learning Specialist, at phillsa@yn17car.com.



  • Academic apparel order information is submitted through the Graduation Application.
  • 所有的帽子和长袍都可以领取 severe weather 星期一中午开始售票, May 6, 在注册主任办公室(Francis Hall 130)登记. 取车时间如下:
Monday May 6 12:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
Tuesday–Thursday          May 7-9              8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Friday May 10 8:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.



  • Click here 并在列表中选择“Quincy University”, 然后是毕业日期(只有一个选择),然后是学位.  



  • Click here to order photos taken during the Commencement ceremony from Lifetouch Photography. 有关Lifetouch的更多信息, click here.



  • Click here to order a class ring and/or diploma frame from the University Bookstore.



  • 社区关系办公室(Francis Hall, Rm. B-37) will release a list of graduates to each graduate’s hometown newspaper.
  • If you wish to opt-out of this news release OR have your graduation announcement published to another hometown/community newspaper, 请与社区关系处联络,电邮 communityrelations@yn17car.com.



万一遇上恶劣天气, the ceremony will be moved indoors to Pepsi Arena in the 健康健身中心. Degree candidates will receive an email and text alerting them of the location change.


  • Each degree candidate planning to participate in Commencement will receive 八(8)张恶劣天气票 为进入百事球馆的客人准备.
  • 门票将不邮寄. Participants may pick up 恶劣天气票 along with their caps and gowns in the Registrar’s Office (Francis Hall 130) beginning at noon on Monday, May 6, 营业时间内(见“学位帽及学位服”).
  • Guests without a severe weather ticket will be able to watch the ceremony in the Hall of Fame Room in the Health & Fitness Center.
  • Reserved seating in Pepsi Arena is available for those with disabilities; please contact Mary Betts in the Academic Affairs Office at 217-228-5432, ext. 3300.  Facilities for the 学士学位的质量 and Commencement are handicap accessible.
  • Everyone, 包括婴幼儿, must have a ticket to gain entry to the ceremony if held in Pepsi Arena.



  • Some area hotels extend a special rate for families attending Commencement Weekend. 请务必在预订房间时提及QU毕业典礼.
  • 为区域住宿的完整列表, 浏览昆西地区会议及旅游发展局网页,网址为 www.seequincy.com . Click here for a listing of local establishments, including hotels, that provide QU discounts.


注册办公室,217-228-5432,分机. 3970,

email registrar@yn17car.com


学术事务办公室,217-228-5432,ext. 3300,

email commencement@yn17car.com